Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ask the Magic 8 Ball!

Dear Magic 8 Ball,

Q 1: Are you tickleish?

A 1: Outlook not so good.

Comment: Me neither *shifty eyes*

Q 2: Will I die in a firey car wreck on my way home tonight?

A 2: Reply hazy. Try Again.
A 2b: Concentrate and ask again.
A 2c: As I see it, yes.

Comment: No I won't.

Q 3: What's your favorite band?
A 3: Most Likely

Comment: Most Likely? Do you mean Organic? I'm confused.

Q 4: Will Billy Mays go to heaven?
A 4: Most Likely

Q 5: Will I be able to walk like a normal person by tomorrow?
A 5: Reply hazy. Try Again.
A 5b: Outlook not so good.

Comment: Figures.

1 comment:

karmap0lice said...

Totally didn't die in a firey car wreck. I wonder if Most Likely even IS Magic 8 Ball's favorite band.