Friday, July 17, 2009

It's bout bloggin' time!!!

I'm so sorry my beautiful and classy readers. Apologies to my ugly, offensive readers as well. I've really dropped the ball this past while. Forgive me?
No? Well fine. I guess I'll have to earn back your love, one post at a time. Hey, that rhymed. So did that. That didn't. Moving on...

Let's get back in motion with a little 8ball Wisdom

Dear Magic 8 Ball

Q1: How awesome am I?
A1: Cannot Predict Now.

Comment: I know... you're probably thinking "You're awesomeness increases every day, Anne... it's so hard to tell how awesome you are each minute because your coolness is exponential." You are such a fucking suck up, 8 Ball.

Q2: Will I go deaf if I continue to abuse Q-tips?
A2: Better not tell you now.

Comment: What??

Q3: Will I ever win the 649 jackpot?
A3: Very doubtful.

Comment: :( I won my first 649 prize yesterday - a big $5 dolla! I thought I was on my way...

Okee dokie... In other news I made several paperbag bunny puppets today. Mine's named Gertrude. She gives off whoreish vibes and likes to hide garbage. I may feature her and her other bunny friends in a story soon. If you'd like? Do you guys like the stories? I'll ask the 8 Ball.

Q4: Do my readers enjoy my stories?
A4: Yes! Definately!

Comment: Good! That's good.

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