Monday, July 6, 2009

Baahaha- Stampede

Hahaha! I deleted my newest post this morning because... well, just because, okay? You didn't miss much, I assure you. Anyway - the good news is, when I deleted it I found an attempt to write about Stampede for my blog. I must have saved it to drafts because I was too hungover to function. Here it is, a little time capsule from a few weeks ago.

Mmm... hello.

Monday morning... still recovering from a weekend of true and intense debaucherous stampede fun. Stomach churning, brain moving... slow, random bruises and memories. Stampede is Vegas moved to Calgary and I spanked that bitch like she was your mother. Yes. That made sense. Listen! Ughh. Uggghhhh. Having a really hard time having thoughts and putting them into words. I came here to assure you and inspire you...

That's as far as I got. But my heart was in the right place...

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