Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pass me that banana, its speckles calm my nerves

I like me a speckly banana. They always seem to have the perfect ripeness at convenience stores... but I rarely buy them there. A DOLLAR for a BANANA? What am I, in Hollywood??!? My brother used to rave about bananas. It was the only fruit he'd really eat. He said they were the toughest fruit. It inspired my first decent commercial. (Samarai style, warrior fruit)
Green bananas make me gag.
If you're into screwing over grocery stores, go to the self checkout and ring all your produce in as bananas. I haven't tried this trick yet... but I feel like I might break down when I'm a student and have no money and crave real food. Please don't judge me.
Baaaaa nanas
Put them on your cereal
Mix them in a shake
Peel and mush em in your mouth
The speckly ones taste great!
I like me a banana
Bananas like me too
Rub them up against my skin
Stick them in my shoes


Ramsay said...

My sister always said she liked bananas, but carrying them made her feel like she was holding a handle with nothing attached..... i find it to be an interesting observation.

karmap0lice said...

Sometimes I like to pretend my banana is a phone. Then I eat it.

Blogger said...

I once saw a skit by Dimitri on where he says banana really funny. Now that's how I say banana.