Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What? I don't know.

“God, you’re a douche,” he whispered as he teased the knife along my throat.
“And that hair!” The woman spat. “I want to burn it off along with that freckle lipped face of yours!”
I self-consciously reached towards my mouth and the knife pulled harder.
“Easy there, princess,” he breathed and the woman laughed. They pulled me into a small, neatly kept apartment.
“Sit” she commanded and I moved towards the couch.
“On the floor, you dog!” and like a good one, I obeyed.
“We don’t tolerate intolerance here.” The woman continued, as her stilettos strolled casually across the room. The man eyed her with satisfaction as she pulled an open laptop from the coffee table. The baby giraffe screen saver blinked out and I saw the familiar green and white layout of my blog come onscreen. “Do you recognize this?”
“Yes, I…” The laptop flew towards me at blazing speed. I knew on impact I would die and prepared the best I could in my split second left, but a flashing blade shattered it mid air. I gasped.
“We can’t let her off that easily,” the man smiled as he sheathed his sword. “Oh…” he baby talked as he looked down at my urine soaked pants, “couldn’t you have saved that for the shower?”
The woman bounded across the room and slapped his face, hard. “Ruin my fun!” she growled. “Fine! What do you want to do with her?”
The man stared meaningfully into her eyes and I fumbled my hand across the carpet to find a shard of laptop.
“You know…” his voice was hot steel.
“Mmmm,” hers, melting butter,
The man nodded and unsheathed his sword again. “Up.” He commanded as the metal point waved delicately in front of my nose. I did as I was told and he led me to a bedroom. “In you gooo!” his heavy boot found my ass and I tumbled inside as the door slammed shut behind me. I wretched on the floor and tears began to dilute my pool of vomit. I wiped my face with my sleeve, then stood and pulled off my soiled clothes. As my pants thudded to the ground my heart did a double take – my cell phone was still in the pocket! My shaky hands found it just as the bedroom door flew open.
“Eww! Gross!” The man yelled as I grabbed a sheet to cover myself. The woman pushed him out of the doorway.
“What are you going to do with me?” my voice trembled.
“We’re going to make you do what you should’ve done a long time ago” she smiled, “A fate worse than death.”
My eyes shifted back and forth as they stared at me with horrifying intent.
“We’re going to make you stop writing silly stories and pack your house.”
“Yes,” the man had recovered and found his ruthless tone. “Now.”
I knew I had no choice… so I stopped typing.


Blogger said...

Once in a while... just ONE time I'd like you to stop using my personality in your evil characters.

karmap0lice said...

But you're so bad ass! Remember when I made a squirrel fall in love with you? How did that one end? Ah well...
But yes. I'll make you the heroine one of these days. I plomise.

Anonymous said...

Im in Love...