Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ask the Magic 8 Ball!

The 8 Ball is comin out.

Hey 8 Ball.

Q1: You ready to do this?
A1: It is certain.

Q2: Secret question I ask in my head?
A2: Cannot predict now

Comment: Yeah. That's life for ya. Hmmm.

Q3: Will Grant be able to magically fix my engine?
A3: It is decidedly so!

Comment: Wouldn't that be awesome??!? Oh Magic 8 Ball... don't get my hopes up so high.

UPDATE: I CALLED MY MECHANIC!!! They're replacing like 4 things in my engine and are working hard!! This is good! They are going to fix my engine!!! Ahhh!! If all goes well I should be getting a call at the end of the day. Wow. WOW. I love you Delburne Service Centre.


Blogger said...

I know someone named Will Grant! weird.

karmap0lice said...

You cheeky monkey.