Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Do You Mean, Barqs Has Bite?

What the hell am I going to talk about? I'm not really in the blogging mood, at the same time, this stuff is addicting. I laughed sooo hard last night watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon when he interviewed Will Ferrell. I half heartedly tried to look it up just now and wasn't able to find it, but trust me. Funny. If I see it later, I'll put it up. Geez, I'm not being very exciting this morning. I'm tired, I feel like a zombie. I gooey eyed zombie. I'd go get coffee, but I'm too tired. Tonight, I'm hoping to catch a screening of "I Love You Man" at the cheap theatre. Andy Samberg plays a gay man only attracted to straight guys in it. Story of my life. Except for the gay man part. Okay... this is going nowhere. I'll be back with better game... later.

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