Friday, June 19, 2009

Ask the Magic 8 Ball!

My only loyal follower (who feels very alone right now and has stopped commenting on my posts because she's the only one who's following) suggested I do an Ask the Magic 8 Ball! Weekly. So I'm going to. I'm also going to request that if you're reading this and you have a heart, you will join her as a blog follower. It's simple. I promise.

Okay, here we go:
Dear Magic 8 Ball

Q 1: Will the Jays go FTW this year??
A 1: Yes! Definately!

Comment: Sweeeeeeeet!!!

Q 2: I'm thirsty. What should I do?
A 2: Without a doubt.

Comment: Obviously this was too dumb of a question for my 8 ball to answer fully. Without a doubt... drink something bitch! Is what I'm sure it would spell out if it had the ability. Fine. I will drink something. You didn't have to call me a bitch. Yeesh.

Q 3: Want to make out?
A 3: Signs point to Yes

Comment: Well too bad Magic 8 Ball! You can't just call me a bitch and then expect me to make out with you! Plus you're a plastic fortune telling ball, I'm a psychotic redhead. It would never work out. Thanks for admitting you would totally make out with me though. Always nice to have an ego boost. I'll give you a little kiss, so you don't feel so bad. Mwah. There. (Gross)(I feel like a slut now)(but not in a satisfied way) (In I just pressed my lips against a dirty ball sort of way)

Okay kids! That's this week's Ask The Magic 8 Ball!!!! Hope you enjoyed. I'm going to go wash my lips and find a cool, refreshing beverage.


CToTheRock said...

Thank you! As your (only) loyal follower, i appreciate this! If only other people would follow as loyally as I have, they might get to make requests for weekly posts too. Sucks for them i suppose.

karmap0lice said...

My newest follower, Kyla sent me this hilarious link for the Magic 8 Ball!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading and cathching up this last two weeks... truly brilliant and a bit pshychothic. I love you Baxter.
