Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Call for Blopics!

Have an issue that needs to be tackled? An itch that needs to be scratched? A pet that needs to be pet?
This is your chance to be acknowledged!
My Problems With Taking Life Seriously is calling for blog-topic (blopic) submissions!!!
It's just one more way to show you I care.
And I DO care readers. Just not enough to come up with ideas.


CToTheRock said...

Uhhh I dont know. Ummm how about you describe the perfect way to spend a Wednesday night? I think it begins with sitting on my deck drinking beer and ends with youtube-ing cat and unicorn videos, am i right?

karmap0lice said...

So true - that is THE perfect Wednesday night!! Yay!! I may have to put that blopic in my back pocket for tomorrow.

Wild Card said...

feminine itch.

karmap0lice said...

Hmmm... I guess that would go under the "An itch that needs to be scratched" category. You know what? I will tackle this topic. Maybe not today... but mark my words, feminine itch will be spoken of soon. Maybe you could write Bizzle and ask her about it as well?