Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Blog?!? You Get Your Life Together, Right Now!

Hi blog,

Sorry I've been neglecting you. Let's discuss something. Automatically I think "boys" - but that's just because I'm a pervy single girl. Let's try to think about something else...
Oh, that's fair. Try not to think about boys and it's all you can think about. Alright... let's get the magic 8 ball in on this.

Q. What should I talk about in my blog today?
A. Without a doubt.

Okay... so, living life without doubts. Wow... not really my forte. I doubt so much all the time. I dip my little toe in the water and check the temperature. I think "Without a Doubt" is my 8 Ball's way of saying "Carpe Diem" so - let's seize the day!!!!!!! I'm going to bust my butt at work and finally finish my to-do list tonight... and get er done! YES!! Thank you Magic 8 Ball - you are a fucking inspiration. Will my dear readers Carpe Diem today as well? I hope so. Let's get the ball rolling. P.S. If you're reading this, you look lovely today.

Adventure!!!!!! BLAHHH!!!! Did I mention I just finished a rather large coffee?

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