Thursday, June 18, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Remember that whole "Seize the Day" thing I was on yesterday... hmphhh. Did you know "the day" is very prickly and when you seize it you can be painfully stung? It's terrible! And then the sting gets all stuck in your skin and you're trying to pick it out and figure out where exactly you went wrong and what exactly is wrong with YOU (me) and you send a text but it doesn't do much good. But hopefully doesn't make things worse. Fucking texts. Keep my phone away from me!!!! Waaaaahhhh! Deep breaths. At least making mistakes keeps life interesting and getting stung makes you feel alive. Even if it's in an icky way. The good news is "seizing the day" when it comes to housework has less potential to backfire. So... chew on that for a bit.

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