Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kids will be kids

If you've never watched "Manswers" on Spike, then you might not know the quickest and most dangerous way to get drunk is by putting alcohol up your bum. The booze goes straight into your system with no liver filter. It's an easy way to kill yourself. Anyhoo, a friend's mom in Nova Scotia is a nurse and was telling her son about how kids are coming into the hospital after putting booze soaked tampons up their a-holes. I'm a little torn about how I should feel about this. Gross - yes, obviously. But, isn't this darwinism? Could we please just let a couple of these little buggers go down for the sake of the human race? I know, I'm being mean... but if you're going to die from alcohol poisoning, don't cut corners, right? My mom has a kid in her grade 5 class that's addicted to Meth and comes to class high and freaks out and guess what? It's the school's policy not to discipline him. When he swears a storm up at the teachers and throws stuff all over the classroom, my mom has to remove every child but him from the room until he calms down. The school is scared to call his "parents". It's g-d ridiculous. I hate the youth. I hated these idiots when I was their age and I hate them now. Also, I hate adults. Really, only the elderly are cool in my books (and they've been pushing it lately, what with the incontinence). All I can say is, if I have kids I REFUSE to raise morons. And if I ever find a vodka tampon, so help me god.

UPDATE: kays ui tried butt boooze nd EMETR METH!!! YAY!!! I tieks evjhriothign back. Kiids are coooooooooooooooooooool.

UPDATE 2: I just found this on TFLN:
(202): respond to me or i'm telling everyone that you inserted a vodka soaked tampon into your anus
Ha ha ha! Ohhhh... ugh.

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