Monday, June 22, 2009

Urine Trouble!

Don't poo-poo the topic of pee-pee. I had a riveting exchange with a friend this weekend about it and I'd like to reshare it in the form of 3 thoughts about peeing.

1) Lots of people pee in the shower. Why? The toilet is RIGHT THERE. Does it make you feel ALIVE? DOES IT? Well, it smells. When I was a maid (for a long couple of months in my life) I would notice the distinct odor of urine as I cleaned bathtubs and showers. (Also, toilets.) (Being a maid was kinda lame.) My buddy seems to be polling a lot of people on the subject and I'm happy to report the people I'm travelling with to NYC are not shower pee-ers. Yay!! On the same stream though - if you did pee in the shower, would you tell anyone, or keep it your dirty little pee-secret? I bet it'd feel naughtier that way. Oh, the shower smells like pee? Weird.

2) Speaking of vacation pee... I had a disturbing thought recently involving a pool full of frat-guys and swim-up bars at all inclusive type resorts. I'm thinking these pools could actually be up to 50% urine. Sorry, I probably ruined that for a lot of people. I'm sure the filtration systems are wonderful.

3) The best pee in the pool story I ever heard was in my YM (Young and Modern) (and oh- how I was) (sarcasm) when I was young. I read this story of a girl at the pool with her friends and some guys came up and were talking with them. They were in the water, the guys were out. She started flirting pretty hardcore with one dude, but she really had to go pee. So the guy leans in to kiss her, and she lets it go in the pool. Little did she know, the pool had this special chemical that reacted with pee, so her friends and all the guys saw this big ol' cloud of purple urine come out as she was kissing. Horrifying. Hilarious.

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