Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let's Talk About Text Pt. 2

I had the best sext of my life today. It was one of those opportune moments when you get someone's number who you know, but they don't have yours. Anyway - I got this guy Jeff Grierson (Wild Card Beerson)'s # and here's the back and forth that ensued.

I write,

Your scent still lingers in the bathroom where we first met. I go there often. I... don't know if your memory ever takes you to that night. Side by side, an awkward glance, soft light, soft hands... You were beautiful.

He writes

You're the beautiful one. Tell me more.

I write

Your lips were so soft on my ballsack, you hair a mess in my forceful fingers... I let out a deep moan and begged you to stop... Would we be caught?

He writes

It was a good day to go exploring. My breath. Taken away.

I write

It was... I lost my balance and fell into the stall, toilet waters splashing my glutes. I playfully reached down and splashed you in the face and chest. Then we had to get you out of those wet clothes.

He Writes

Reliving this with you is making my heart race. I can't see straight.

Me (kicking myself now I didn't make the straight joke)

Mmmm Jeff... oh, you have to stop! Now it's my turn, grinding you to the floor of the stall, hot lips licking your wet pecs, cleaning my dirty boy as the sweat from my chest hair flavors your abs


I want you inside me (fill in your name. whatever it is, which mattered then but escapes me now)


You pulled me to your lips and whispered that in my ear too... I was pulsing rock hard and I made you say it again and again as I turned you over and playfully spanked your behind. Say my name! I demanded, poised for entry

He writes:

Dad. You always know how to get me going on a Tuesday afternoon.

***is this not epic? I like a man who can take my homoerotic joke and make it incestual.

I write:

Just don't tell ma, she was pretty upset last time.


How long do you want to play before we shed some light on our rendez vu?


I want to play forever! Don't be a spoil sport. I had way too much fun today.


Perfect. The way you made me feel today. Like a raped puppy. Amazing.


Yet you're still frisky, like a virgin puppy.

Him: (Thinking he's figured it out and I'm his friend Erin?)

I love you, big N.


Is that some sort of racial slur?

And that's what I did this afternoon.


CToTheRock said...


Wild Card said...

tee hee. people are paying attention to me.

Anonymous said...

OMG so hot right now