Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Investigatory Journalism: Sunscreen vs. Sunblock

From deep in the trenches of Red Deer's sunny underbelly comes this special report.

Sunscreen vs. Sunblock - what's the difference, where am I, who are you talking to, how do I get you to shut up, why are you looking at me like that and when can I take you out to dinner?

The difference?
Sunscreen and Sunblock... basically do the same thing.
Sunblock is better at blocking UVA and UVB rays, but is messier, doesn't blend into the skin as well, can stain clothing, gossips to your friends and is less popular.
Sunscreen is the hip and cool way to prevent UVB damage and look classy. The newer models are better at blocking UVA than their predecesors.

If you're out in the sun 20 minutes a day, you should be wearing 15. Should. In theory. I mean, you really should be. Do you? I always "forget." And if you're a dastardly ginger like me, or a pale skinned freak, you should go higher. Should. The numbers refer to the sunscreen/block's ability to protect your fragile and precious body. SPF 15 means you can stay in the sun 15x longer than with no sunscreen before burning. Increase the SPF - increase your safe fun playtime - and your protection from those harmful, bastard rays in general.

Waterproof? Water Resistant?
Who cares? I do. Let's talk about it. Waterproof means your SPF protection is the same after 80 minutes of water exposure - impressive! Water Resistant has to maintain it's SPF after 40 minutes of water exposure. Think that's not that great? You try. You see if you can do better. You can't. Sit down.

Never put sunscreen/sunblock on a tattoo that hasn't healed yet. It will damage your tattoo. Just keep your tattoo out of the sun. Easier said than done... but the internet wouldn't lie - would it?

Are awesome! How am I supposed to get them if I'm being safe in the sun? Huh?

This concludes my special investigatory report. A thank you to my readers for the request.

1 comment:

Ramsay said...

Dude, I never wear sunscreen. And I know I should, because I am super pale.

and you're right, sunblock does gossips to your friends....