Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Short Story... well, I tried to keep it short.

“We are in Hawaii!”
Professor Whiskers sighed as she scratched across the postcard in a jealous rage. Life was so exciting for her nieces and nephews. She was just a cat, leading an uneventful life as a professor of Mythology at the local University. “We are in Hawaii!” she huffed in a mocking voice as she scooted into her home. “We are eating pepper and chips!”
The past week had been hell. If it wasn’t the brats at school, it was the urging, burning discomfort between her legs. She knew it wasn’t due to her being dirty, or having poor hygiene. She’d read the brochures. It was just an itch. A feminine itch. Professor Whiskers snarled. The itch did not make her feel feminine. She batted a ball across the floor and decided hunting might be the best way to release her anger.
She left the crossbow in the closet. Small game was better for tonight. The professor glanced down at her claws, home grown death machines. The bloodlust distracted her from her nagging femininity. She trotted out the cat door and into the woods behind her home.
Whiskers didn’t know what it was about the woods on Wednesdays, but everything seemed to come a little more alive. She scanned the forest floor and saw a mouse skitter. This was it. Time to…
Did she just see?
It was the most elegant creature she’d ever laid eyes on. How could this be real? She’s studied unicorns her whole life, but… how could it be real?
The unicorn gently stepped on the mouse she’d been eyeing, picked it up with her teeth and dropped it at Professor Whisker’s feet.
“I’m Starlight” she cooed.
“Humina humina… Professor Whiskers”
Starlight laughed, a sound that mimicked a hit Beach Boys song you’ve never heard.
“Well… Professor Whiskers, I can sense with my magical unicorn ability that you have been experiencing a little problem.”
Whiskers blushed. So did Starlight.
“As a unicorn and a lady, I’d like to help.”
“Help with my… uhh..”
“Help with your feminine itch.”
Professor Whiskers had never been so embarrassed in her life. It felt as if her itch was burning hotter than ever before. Yearning for relief.
“It’s okay,” Starlight smiled gently. “Turn around, I’ll be gentle”
Whiskers obeyed and soon felt the cool, healing tip of a horn between her legs. She shivered with excitement.
“Too cold?” Starlight asked coyly.
Professor Whiskers bit her lip. Nothing had ever felt this good in her life. The horn was so healing, "down there", in her vulvovaginal area. Starlight was so amazing, so perfect, everything she could ask for times infinity. In her daze she wished they could have a child.
“No!” Starlight shouted abruptly.
“What?” Whiskers jumped around, the magical moment broken.
“You can’t make wishes when a Unicorn is touching you there! They come true!!”
“You can read my thoughts!?!?”
“I thought you knew!”
“I’m going to have a unicorn baby?!?”
“A unicat baby, Professor Whiskers. WE are going to have a unicat baby.”
“But I’m not gay!”
“Really?” Starlight smiled.
“Okay, a little bit gay. You?”
“I’m totally gay. For cats.”
Starlight was saying all the right things. Professor Whiskers put a paw against her hoof and knew, this Wednesday, her life changed forever.
A short gestational time later, Starlight and Whiskers had a baaaaaby unicat they named Scout.
The family was scorned by the community and eventually driven out of town. Scout commited suicide at age 22.
When will we live in a more tolerant society? WHEN??!?
The End.
Happy Gay Pride Month!
Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THAT was honestly the best story I have ever read...WOW....amazing