Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday!? It's Wednesday already!!?

This week is a blur. Eee! A few things are falling into place, which I really appreciate. Other things... well... they're on the list.
I don't know if my Aunt and Uncle come home tomorrow or Friday... so I have to assume tomorrow and get their house spic and span tonight...
Also, here's awkwardness... my Aunt got a phone call confirming an appointment on Friday. I don't know if I should call them back or not? What should I do?
Plus 3 papers and a midterm and 2 family visits by Saturday.
No big deal. I'm superman. I don't even need to smoke.
Of course, you didn't see me shaking and sweating on the couch last night, wanting to die. No. You didn't. Because I totally didn't do that. I'm so brave and tough.
I need to clean my car too.
But, I could write a song about all the things I need to do with myself.
Priorities! Prioritize!
Get your life together!
Here's a list of things to do
To make your week get better
Number 1 isn't so fun
It's cleaning your whole house
Don't forget to wash the sheets
And catch that rascal mouse!
Number 2, much more to do!
It's writing 2 responses
Put down that blog and something something...
Anyway. Whatever. I can't wait till Sat after 5. I don't know what I'm doing at that point, since I have a few available options, but you best believe there'll be a drink in my hand.
You guys see the puppy today? Oh! I wish he were wiggling in my arms right now! Ima give him an 8.

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