Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray for Christmas Vacation

Hello readers,

Happy humpday to you. You see the puppy? Diesel? What a cutie! A 9er, I'd say. So, to get "topical" I thought I'd talk Christmas a little today.
* I was in the mall yesterday and it's turned into all xmas, all the time. I'm talking shiny presents, hickory farms, and full blown holiday music. I whine about it when I've been exposed to that much commercial "cheer" for 1/2 an hour in a crowded environment. Retail workers. My heart truly goes out to you.
* I love chinese gift exchanges. I wish I could do them with everyone.
* One of my favorite things about the holidays (and WHY OH WHY can't they just start Dec 1... I mean COME ON!)(I know, I'm contributing to the problem right now. Sorry.) is the specials on TV. Classics like Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, Die Hard, Grinch, Elf, Rudolph... There are so many great ones. But, there are a lot of bad ones out there too. I think we've all made the mistake of watching "Olive, the Other Reindeer"... also watched "Madagascar Christmas" last night which was pretty awful. Really awful. Completely unimaginative and a little sad.
Anyhoo... those are my thoughts on the holidays right now. Sorry to bring them up this early. I blame society.
*Final note - I can't wait for Christmas Vacation!!!!! As someone who only gets 1 day a week off, the prospect of having 2 weeks free sounds incredible. And I love how everyone goes home for Christmas, so I get to see my childhood chums. Warm fuzzies.
And I love when my mom makes mulled wine
And Christmas oranges are so good!
Advent calendars!!!!
Decorating the tree!!
Oh, now I'm excited. Thanks a lot BLOG.
On a final note... here's a Christmas card I would send to you if I wasn't both cheap and lazy.


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