Sunday, November 1, 2009

Owie, my head

Oh hangover Sunday. Let's reminisce about last night. . Got to check out the Flames game... unfortunate loss, but can't complain about getting to go! Then skittered over to Adam Hunter's for a lovely bash. Met another robot, which was wicked, discovered the advantages (awesome dancing skills) and disadvantages (inability to walk through doors/see anything/ sit down/ have people hear you) of my costume... played 3man, talked about silly things with awesome people... ate, drank, was merry - saw some amazing costumes. The best, of course, being Adam's brother who was a dead on David Bowie Goblin King ala Labrynth - his wife was Sarah and their baby, Toby. Incredible family get up.


My head is too sore to write now though. I need liquids, sleep, or something.
Also, happy veggieversary to me. 12 years clean. More importantly, happy birthiversary to one of the greatest people on earth, Chelsea Rauch. Happy Birthday Chelsea!

1 comment:

CToTheRock said...

*TEAR* Thanks Baxter!!!