Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Cat of the Day + A Response to A Child's Letter + Bonus

Nom nom nom! Watch out kitty! You'll get brain freeze!!

Dear Jane,


Here's an idea - why don't you answer your own question? It might go something like this...
1) Because billions of souls would never get to experience life due to your greed
2) People are idiots and need to die, so new idiots can (hopefully) progress civilization
3) Bodies aren't meant to last that long.

Can you think of other stuff Jane? I bet you can.



Too harsh?

One more for the road? Okay. Another something that found me online.

My favourite is "Reprimand them privately"

How To Care for Extroverts
- Ignore their requests for privacy
- Embarrass them whenever possible
- Always announce their arrival to a group and give them an opportunity to make a speech
- Press them for answers, allowing no more than 3 sec. between questions
- Interrupt them when they talk
- Little notice is required when major changes need to occur
- Reprimand them publicly
- Make their learning experiences public and stressful
- Discourage relationship building and the acquiring of 'friends'
- Help them become a better person by encouraging less extroverted behaviors

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