Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday Blaturday

Hi everybody! Sorry I missed a post yesterday, sue me.
Don't sue.
It's funny how being really tired and worn down gives you a similar mental capacity to being drunk. It's a ripoff right now though because I can't enjoy this altered state. I have to try to ignore it and discuss Semiotic theory. What's that? Don't ask or I swear I'll send you a 2 page cited overview.
Another ugly puppy today.
I would still love it forever, don't get me wrong... but I'm giving it my lowest ranking yet. A 6. You want to defend the puppy? You can't. That puppy is a MAX 6. Unless you judge it against things that aren't puppies... or baby mammals.
Okay - see? The drunk thing. But I'm not. Hope you guys have a great day!! Mine will only get better, with the pinnacle being reached when I get to sleep!! SLEEP :D :D :D

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