Monday, November 2, 2009

This is the end, beautiful friend.

I have a lot of anger in my heart at the moment. The stubborn side of me screaming "NO!" - but guess what, Anne? This has to be done. So deal.
As we were speaking of important dates yesterday, I feel I should mention we're pretty much at the year anniversary where I started smoking AGAIN. I feel a year is plenty of time to get over the trauma that reignited my horrible habit, so, today's it. I'm quitting. Again. Let's keep it real this time.
I'm putting in my hypnosis CD as soon as I'm done writing, then I'll probably pick up some fancy gum later and we'll do er right.
Wish me luck readers. I would do the same for you.
I hate quitting. I hate being a non smoker. I don't wanna. I'm mad. No, no, no, no, no. Okay.

Update: My body is in horrible pain. But I am a nonsmoker. A nonsmoker. Happy pain.


Karyn said...

Good luck! You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Baxter can do anything!!!!