Thursday, November 5, 2009

Animal Attraction

I've had "the moves" put on me by dogs, cats, a turtle and even a couple of humans... but last night... last night a love bird grinded the back of my hand.
It was like my hand and the lovebird were at a club and the bird got up behind there and started doing his thing. At first, as usual, I was flattered. But then the bird grinded on Melissa's hand, followed by her cell phone. He came back after... but I couldn't keep pretending it was okay.

Daily puppy is an obvious photoshop job. You may have a 7. AND THAT'S GENEROUS PUPPY.

Update: Ground? Was grinding?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Anne! How could that bird go grind up on you, and then turn to someone else...and then turn to an inanimate object???
I've been the back of your hand and it's pretty amazing to say the least.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say he has an obvious disability. (I don't think he's all there!)