Friday, November 20, 2009

If sex is a weapon then Smash! Boom! Pow! How you like me now?

Sorry... more TCV lyrics.

It's my party day! Hooray! But before I get to have fun, I have to school and I've been procrastinating all morning and I'm just terrible!!!!
So I said "Listen, Baxter. You write in your blog, then get to work and you'll be brilliant!" And I bought it. So here I am, typing away, with little to say on this birthdayous day. I'm jazzed on tonight though. I'm stoked, pumped, hyped and a little moist. I kid. I'm dry as the desert down there.
I predict a lot of overindulgence in booze and hugs... which is my favourite way to party. I could actually really go for a hug right now. Anyone? Ahh... we'll wait till I stumble into you.
Puppy? Well... Buster the Corgi isn't so bad. He has the same colouring and name as one of the favourite dogs of my childhood, Buster the Jack Russell Terrier who belonged to my Grandparents. What an awesome dog. He knew so many tricks. The only thing I really am not into in the pic is that metallic mushroom looking thing. What's that about? I think Buster should've found a more majestic place to pose. Hey - is that a fuzzy blue empty water bottle in the background? I mean, the rocks are nice, maybe move it over to a less "junky" area. Plus Buster's looking a little "serious". I like a puppy with a look of wonder, not understanding.
10 for being related to my childhood
-1 bad posing place
-1 look on face
Buster gets an 8.

Okay. Work now? No. A quick room tidy while listening to TCV, THEN I'll school.

I wish I had a scanner so I could upload a pic of Buster. I have one where my Grandma is trying to make it look like he's playing with our new Rottweiler puppy, so she has him in her hands and is mock making him jump forward. It's ridiculous. I'm in the background in my neon green stripes and stars and it was one of my first moments realizing grown-ups can be a real mess sometimes.

1 comment:

CToTheRock said...

Rating for this post:

10 for Content
-1 for School talk
+5 for Birthday talk!
-1 for Dog talk
+11 for Hug talk!

So thats umm a 24? I think? Yes accounting is my profession, but Im not asian so dont judge my math. Anywhoooo i've had QUITE the work week so im pretty jazzed to booze and hug with you tonight, and also to prove that grown-ups are the biggest messes in the world!