Thursday, November 19, 2009

It hurts to be young - gotta learn every god damn thing.

I haven't felt this way about a CD for so long. I know it's only been a couple of days... but I really feel like it's going to be in my top 10 of all time. It's killing me. Every layer I peek beneath makes me peak. Them Crooked Vultures... I would play dead so you could pick my bones clean.
In other local news, school. Always with the school.
Social news? Visiting Asher tonight to watch TV and make broccoli cheese rice casserole thing. And a beer? Yep.
Smoking? Still not doing it. But I'm past the point of wanting individual cigs now, as much as I want to just go out and buy a pack. Seriously. It's a REAL temptation several times a day. What's next? Cartons?
I want a cigar for my birthday?
Ughh. I would mostly like to learn the skills of restraint, reason, humility... wait. What am I talking about?
I'm an idiot.
Oh it hurts to be young.
Good thing I'm getting older.
Bday party tomorrow, you know.
Hey - daily puppy. You've got something on your nose.