Monday, September 7, 2009

Pre School Jitters - Philosophy with Hilary Duff

Another sleepy, too excited to sleep, but will sleep soon and grog it up in the morning post. (Note to self: buy instant coffee. Yesssss.)
My first day of classes are tomorrow... I'm getting excited. I'm prattling non-stop in my head after getting the course outline for General Studies (It's the foundations of "western thought" - philosophy type stuff). Oh geez. I need to sleep. My brain is aching to chew on the meaning of life. It starts tomorrow. Am I ready? Both fuck yes, and hell no. But mostly fuck yes.

Deep Thoughts

I watched a chick flick today called "Raise Your Voice" and yes, it was awful. Just tripe. Worst chick flick ever, I want it to die. It's like a Hilary Duff song. I CAN'T HANDLE IT. Anyway. Horrible.
However, during my constant mocking of the film, I got in a slightly philosophical debate with my friend Asha. This douche-bag loser who likes Hilary comforts her by saying "Artists experience pain differently" like an artists pain was more meaningful, or something. And I yelled at the TV a little. Then Asha AGREED with the movie, and I had to think about it awhile, but I suppose she's right. It was just the acting that threw me off Asha, and it's certainly not to say anyone's pain's more meaningful, but different is just too strong of a word. Duh. Anyway. That's pretty deep. But, don't watch the movie.


Unless you like Hilary Duff, then you'll probably like it. I just don't like her. She reminds me of savage garden in the way that I feel like I'm naturally and instinctually her enemy. She just bristles my fur.

Right. I'm getting out my stupid now so I can be smart tomorrow. Stop judging me blog. I've missed you. I had to write something. HI READERS! Yowza! Magic 8 Ball is in my car and giving me puppy dog eyes every time I sit beside him. Have a question?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I assumed I would like Savage Garden.

Doesn't it sound like they should be both interesting and hardcore?

Instead of whiny pussies?

Well, that's what I thought.

Ask the Magic 8-ball- "Will Savage Garden die in a horrible head on collision with Hilary Duff?"