Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who would win in a fight to the death - Oprah Winfrey or Martha Stewart?

Slick blonde hair covers the woman's features in the cell beside her.
Oprah sighs and continues to wait, hoping it's not who she thinks. The woman
moves for the first time, coughing and spitting out something that looks like
congealed blood. She comes to, shaking the hair out of her face.
"Martha?" Oprah whispers.
The woman is in an obvious daze and doesn't seem to register her words.
"Martha Steeeewart!" Oprah enunciates, as if introducing a guest.
Martha looks and a hoarse laugh escapes her throat.
"He's finally got us." she croaks.
"It couldn't last forever," Oprah smiles back.
"How long have you been up?"
"A couple hours. You look like hell."
"You haven't had 3 hours of make up, yourself."
A sharp metallic thud interrupts the chatter as soft footsteps enter the corridor.
"You have a debt to pay." The newcomer announces, "Are you ready?"
"Yes." The women echo and follow him to a noisy, pitch black arena. They're
separated to opposite ends and a blinding blue light changes the rowdy crowd to
silent spectators.
"Finally." The deep voice seems to come from inside the mind of every creature and
"Centuries ago you came to this planet as refugees and criminals. You've lived many
lives and have at times sought to redeem your sins. Did you think you could earn
my forgiveness? Did you think the KING OF PLUTO would soften with time?! You know
the tradition. Justice for one, freedom for the other. Decide your fate. Only one will
A buzzer rings, the crowd roars and Oprah pushes the muscles of her human body
to the limit, sprinting across the dirt as Martha grabs a nearby chain and swings it
overhead. Winfrey dives, kicking Stewart's legs out from under her. The women
grapple on the ground, chain wrapping around them. It's like a black and white
cookie gone bad. Muscles shaking, sweat pouring out as each woman takes turns
pinning the other as hair rips from skulls, eyes from sockets, breasts from bras.
Oprah lands on top and manages to maneuver the chain around Martha's throat,
pulling tight. "My sister," she sobs, tears mixing with blood as the life fades from
her opponent. A sudden, sharp pain registers in Winfrey's side, but like jogging
cramps, she ignores it until she's sure Stewart dead.
Oprah falls back and removes an embedded shiv. Medics assist her, joking "Always
bet on black!" Oprah wretches at the bad joke and her brutality, but is relieved she will live to host
another day and no longer have to hide from Pluto's violent ruler.

Back home, Winfrey discovers the "Shiv" Stewart stuck in her actually contains
genetic material that results in a Martha clone 9 months later. And that's a
good thing. Because they were ACTUAL sisters, on Pluto, those many centuries
ago... and had tag teamed the Queen Mom who'd died after a rather violent orgasm.
So... that's how/why that all happened.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the petering out finale.

That's the best way to end things. next time, consider a "yeah." as your final word.

Love you.