Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I hate being crazy. Okay, I love it usually... but I hate hate hate it when I'm waiting for... say... Christmas presents. Yeah... Christmas presents... and I want to find out if I'm getting any and I can't peek and I have to wait wait wait and I wanna present! But what if there aren't any presents? What if Santa doesn't exist, or maybe he does, but he's not going to visit because I haven't been good enough? WHAT OF THAT???

Hello again.

Let's not worry about Christmas. It's just a metaphor.

Let's talk about Halloween! I think (think think) I'm going to be a skater witch. Youtube it. I just need a gang... anyone into it? And the use of a skateboard. Although, if I was badass enough, I'd steal a skateboard like the chick in the film.
I also watched Ghostbusters the other day and had a real hankering for a ghostbusters uniform. That could definately be reused. What other costume ideas? Hmm... well, neither of mine are very skanky and I may be breaking some sort of rule that way. But busting makes me feel good! And skater witches are hot just cause they're so badass and don't follow the rules. I dunno. What are you kids going to be for halloween? Should we start throwing out suggestions? I know part of the fun is the suprise of a great costume... but F that! I have very few readers and we'll keep it hush hush. Right guys?

Oooh - maybe I could go as a Magic 8 Ball!

1 comment:

Blogger said...

my name is Frank, and I have a skateboard you can use, it's cheap ASS, but it's yours to borrow if you desire.
Also, not everyone needs to be skanky on halloween, I just wanna be luigi but I'm not allowed because it's not slutty. who MAKES these rules!?!?
Love from