Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Bought CD's Again Today

Hello reader,

How lone have been the winter hours without blog smalltalk? At least that adorable puppy of the day is on here. "You don't walk away with nothin'", that's The Daily Puppy's motto. But still, no good. I sorry!! Look at the cute puppy's face to determine my level of regret. A cute puppy!!! Ahhh, whatever. There is more to blogging than puppies. Why, even recently a few of me favourite blogs shut down production. Thank the lord for http://theerinberjainenewsletter.blogspot.com/ lighting the way Anyway. I bought CD's again today.
It's a bit of a compulsion. I know it's an unnecessary expense... but it feels so good. I need to flesh out my collection. The mixed CD's are happening, but there are staples that go unrepresented and uncherished. They're so pretty to collect. So pretty to hear and hold. To honour and obey. (Just kidding about the obey part) Do you guys still go out and buy CD's? It's so frivolous and I bought Tom Waits "Franks Wild Years", Queens of the Stone Age Live DVD CD set, and another Eagles of Death Metal,"Death By Sexy." Anyway, great stuff. So spicy. And I DIDN'T buy shoes today. So it totally evens out. Right? I just won't buy shoes? Who needs shoes? Not me. Shut up, pinky toes. My shoes fit fine. SHUT UP SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD PINKY TOES! YOU RUTHLESS MONGERS! (Just kidding again)
Just fine.
So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm coming back for a bit. :D Hi!!!

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