Tuesday, August 11, 2009

blip blop bloop blog

My delicious friend Chelsea Rauch - WHO I GET TO SEE TONIGHT!!! Gave me some helpful blopic suggestions. Asha too... maybe.
1) It was a hilar email. I may discuss further points later, but let's talk about this one.
*I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.
YES! PLEASE! Someone - destroy my computer history and my journal - please god my journal, when I die. Facebook will also need to be destroyed. AND NO LOOKING JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE CURIOUS. I only want people to love dead Anne. I DO take steps to periodically destroy portions of my misadventures and twisted thoughts, but it's up to you too! I really need to come up with a buddy system for this sort of thing. Also! Readers! If you're interested in a momento from my death, send your requests! I've already let Chelsea know that I'm leaving her a kitten... even though I don't own a kitten, I want her to go pick up a free one to remember me by. (Perhaps you could name it Baxter?)
2) 101 had people over!! I wasn't informed of this!! How DARE they!! Josh was sick yesterday! Sick people shouldn't have parties. They are sneaky and we will confront them tonight. Also, I love bats. Sorry! But I do.
3) The daily puppy is so wicked rad! I usually adore it - yesterday's was a little dirty, I'll give you that. But I'm usually pro puppy. I looked for a daily kitten and there was none. I tried to make my own daily kitten link, but it didn't work. :( Sorry my friend! Only puppies for now!
4) Okay - Backstreet Boys vs. NSync. Well... I was too cool to listen to either when I was a rock n roll child... but, I will say Justin Timberlake with his curly hair was quite appealing... I also thought JC was tasty. BSB, I liked well... no one really. And I'd also pick NSync in a fight, since they have 5 members to BSB's 4. So... even though I never listened to either... I still get their songs in my head sometimes. I don't know. Any of YOU have thoughts on the "bands"?


Wild Card said...


i thought you might find this interesting.

karmap0lice said...

Very informative! I spose I just will never reveal the secrets of my passwords and all will be well and safe. And texts auto-delete themselves after a week... sooo... pretty covered.

Anonymous said...

It's always a party at 101! and lovely ladies are always welcome. Remeber that!