Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ask The Magic 8 Ball!!!

Dear Magic 8 Ball

Q1: What's up?
A1: Cannot predict now.

Q2: That's kind of a cop out answer - dontcha think?
A2: Cannot predict now.

Comment: You son of a bitch.

Q3: Do you like Christmas?
A3: Ask again later.

Q4: Later as in after you've gotten your presents and judged your happiness based on them?
A4: Signs point to yes

Q5: Want to give me a hint as to what I should get you?
A5: It is certain.

Comment: I suppose we all want certainty. Especially 8 Balls. I just don't know if I can get you a concept as a gift. Besides, the world is a changing place. I guess what I'm trying to say is that what I want for Christmas is for you to pull your pants up a bit. Or am I taking your hint too literally?

Q6: That question I just said.
A6: It is decidedly so.

Comment: Okay. Well, sorry I went off a bit back there. Besides... I don't want any hints that are too obvious, cause then it won't be a surprise. Although, a toque/scarf combo would look ADORABLE on you. Okay. Good chat.

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