Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ask the Magic 8 Ball!!!

Dear Magic 8 Ball

Q1: I'm sorry I neglected you - are you mad at me?
A1: Signs point to yes.

I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Q2: Forgive me?
A2: Outlook good.

:D :D :D

Q3: (For Adam) Will Savage Garden die in a horrible head on collision with Hilary Duff?
A3: Don't count on it.

Well, annoying ppl don't deserve death. As an annoying person, I support this answer.

Q4: Will you be my boyfriend?
A4: Ask again later.

Still a little pissed I ignored you for so long, eh?

Q5: Magic 8 Ball, what's your best memory?
A5: Outlook not so good.

Had a rough life, eh? You poor dear. You know my best memory with you?
Right now, Magic 8 Ball. This moment we are sharing together.

Q6: Now will you be my boyfriend?
A6: My reply is no.

I'll win you over eventually, Magic 8 Ball.

Q7: Is there someone else?
A7: Ask again later.


Q8: It's like that?
A8: Don't count on it.

You're confusing me 8 Ball. Maybe we should talk again when you're not so pissy. I have standards, you know. You can't just play "ambiguous 8 Ball" and expect me to stick around. 8 Ball.
You know what? I take back my reply to Q5. We've had way better talks than this.

Anyone have a question for the 8 Ball? Like "Where do you get off talking to Anne Baxter like that?" or "What should I make for dinner?"

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